Tuesday, April 30, 2013

POEM - Busy! Busy Bee!

Ditching is not as much fun
As it used to be
When I was in high school
Back then I’d ditch
Play all day
Show back up in class
Like nothing happened

Now I’m all grown up
I have this load of stuff
Sitting on my chest and head
Every last second of the day
Even if I ditch I still think about it

I heard someone name it once
They called it “responsibility”

Responsibility sucks!

I have an office job
It’s cushy and easy . . . most days
Then the universe conspires
Suddenly what I was way ahead on
Has evolved into “behind expectations”
Based on several contributing factors
            1. The VP of Sales is behind on profits
            2. Production planners all quit
            3. Material shortages in Asia
            4. A storm in the Philippines
            5. The Director of Operations is bored
            6. The planets are aligned with Venus
            7. A Paleolithic cerebral cortex was found in tact
            8. The winds are out of the North this morning
            9. And the coffee was burnt by the intern

(I don’t even drink coffee!
Why are you telling me all this?)
I scream this into my own brain
But nod understandingly in response
Affirming my in depth comprehension
And a deep and abiding commitment
To the revised deadline

It really isn't that bad
I’m just bothered
Especially when I might have to stop
            Considering the mystery of my navel
                        And do some actual work
So, my old nemesis responsibility
Rears its ugly head
Makes me rush, rush, rush
            Like a crazy busy bee
                        Buzz, buzz, buzz!

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