Sunday, April 28, 2013

POEM - Prophecies and Placeholders

It was a lovely field in full bloom
Lined on one side with woods of mystery
A road creating the far most border
My home possessed an advantageous observation point
A base of operations between quests
The field was bursting with enough distractions
For a free willed ten year old
All just beyond the barb wire fence out back

Maybe I had jumped that fence
One too many times
For this particular sultry summer day
And the inviting neighbor girl
Was a better option that Wednesday

Or maybe it was a Thursday
Or a whole string of days
Flushed together in my hazy pre-pubescent mind
She was a little older at twelve
She said she was spoken for
But I was offered a concession
I could kiss her cheek or her neck
Hold her in a yearning embrace
As long as I left her lips unblemished

All my usurping advances were brushed aside
Her pouting lips were for Todd
Or Tad or some other name
I suddenly hated all of them
Not enough to stop me
Summer is no time for grudges

And it ended like the weather
A change in atmospheric pressure
And the pastime was forgotten
So serious it seemed
So quickly it passed

She was a place holder
Fates were in play that critical year
Left a hidden message
In a misspelled address
                        On the back of a poster I drew
But the words bore a clue
I lived on Marie Street
I spelled it Mirae, an odd error
Turned in to a prophecy

Kissing my soon to be wife
On a sultry afternoon years later
A break from packing up my room
Preparing for marriage and moving out
Old mementos discovered and shared and pondered
“What street did you live on in Gresham?” she asks
“Marie, I think”
“Well I guess we were meant to be together then”
“How so?”
“Look how you spelled this;
My middle name is Mirae . . .”

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