Monday, April 08, 2013

POEM - How I Found what I Wasn’t Looking For

I got lost in the Poetry Foundation website
Searching for a poet I know
Found ten more I didn’t
Then I couldn’t break away

It’s a problem I’ve always had
Only technology amplifies
Accentuates and enables

The inability to tear away

I would head into the library
Just one book was all I needed
But those dang librarians
Put all the books on display
And the horrible publishers
Make the covers so nice and attractive

And my mind suddenly remembers something
A thing I put on the back burner
To burst to the front when I entered the doors

And now it is all right here
I don’t even have to drive
Just click, click, click and another poem and another and another and . . . 

I came here looking for the Kenneth Fearing poem
That one about the funeral
It’s called “Dirge” and it molded me
When I found it hidden
In a collection I bought
In a thrift store in California
Exactly where it needed to be

The entire book was brilliant
Mid-century moderns all together
My favorite, favorite bunch of poets
Stabbing into my subconscious
One unexpected idea after another

So I found Fearing and someone else
On the side of the computer screen
The words said, “. . . But the Little Girls Understand”
I immediately started singing
I know this song, it’s the Doors
But this guy wasn’t writing about that version
He wasn’t writing about the old one either
He was writing about a live version
By the Knack, with Ray Manzarek’s help

Of course that deserves a poem
Of course I was going to love it
And this guy who wrote about it
This Steve Kistulentz guy
We are now best friends
At least for the five or ten minutes
Where I suck it all in
Good words, man, good words
You got it right, just perfect, I like it
Before I get lost in more words
Distracted away by the why
That always brings me in
And the what else that keeps me here

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