Monday, April 15, 2013

POEM - It’s Nice to See You Out and About

The man in the wheelchair
Has a good attitude
He earned his seat by accident
It broke only his neck
Not his life

An interesting point he makes
In a radio interview this morning
He said he has it easy
His trials are readily apparent
Gets stopped on the train
Or in passing
And the comment is made
            “It’s nice to see you out and about.”

He laughs a little
            Like “Congratulations! You dressed yourself!
                        And left the house! Good job!”
Easier when you have it all out there

There is another point
One not made, but obvious:

Everyone needs to be congratulated

For getting up each day
Overcoming our own handicaps
And going out into the world

And we all need to be nice
            Cuz life is like a bull elephant
Sitting on your chest and settling in
So he can watch “A Cure for Insomnia”
All 87 hours of it . . . twice

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