Sunday, April 14, 2013

POEM - 101 Elephant Mistakes

Yeah, right! Like an elephant would do that!
I could understand a few dance steps or swirls
on those columnesque back legs,
maybe draw the occasional raised eyebrow
when they splash paint on a canvas or two:
but really it would be hard to avoid
even at the outside chance
a ramp and a meat grinder
could both be persuaded
to show up at the same time
the great ethical question that still rears its nodding head,
I mean, of course, just because you can do something of that nature . . .
having machinery of sufficient
dexterity and all of the recipes
worked out to a perfect blend
of spices and textures
doesn't mean that you should do it, after all, PETA and
the FDA are probably on the same side and that happens
never, I mean never – well . . . there was that incident with the monkeys
but that is another story, no corporate sponsorship behind that one,
but I digress . . .
So, you say that this is a new product
something that's cutting edge. I just can't see why
Campbell’s of all companies would promote this product -
these are the alphabet soup people, for goodness sake!
happy little kids eating yummy soup as a fictitious cure for
everything from the common cold to cancer!
So, you say that Campbell's - still can't believe it –
has a new soup. What would you even use
Cream of Elephant in, my gosh -
must be some sort of soufflé or othersuch Frenchy type dish.
Do they actually use the skins in the soup? Ewwww!
And the color: gray and white, not the most appetizing of hues . . .
I can't imagine the taste, it's just incredibly awffff. . . what?
What's that you say? Ohhhhhhh . . . I get it!
Red and white on the outside, gray and white on the inside,
Sorry, my misunderstanding, and no, I didn't see your book –
all right, that’s enough, you've had your laugh –
Yes, I can read what it says
101 Elephant Jokes . . . very funny, sheez!

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