Thursday, April 04, 2013

POEM - Way Too Many Puppies

My desk at home is in a great spot
It sits up against a door
That has no practical purpose
But is equipped with windows
That look out on the porch
I can also see a section of the front yard
Spring has begun to move in

Things are getting green, renewed
All the world growing

This seems pleasant at first
Until I realize what is growing
I expect flowers and leaves and grass
What I get is dogs
All kinds of dogs
Every variety imaginable
Many of them constructed badly
Of multiple other dogs mashed together

I sit back and see them
First two or three
Then four, then eight
Then I lose count
Pretty soon my front lawn is replaced
I could literally walk from door to road
Touching nothing but canine

Then I hear a ruckus grow from below
I know what has happened
The mongrel hoard has begun to sprout
In the darkness of the crawlspace
It starts quietly then grows
A cacophony of baying and howling
As if to shake the foundations of my home
Then the foundations do shake
And lift and move and shuffle
As I am suddenly transported willy-nilly
Hither and yawn at the mercy of the mutts

I run for the door, grab my coat
Grab my wife and kids
Make a dash for the back door
To escape our home and surrender
There are just way too many puppies
And this place has gone to the dogs

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