Wednesday, April 10, 2013

POEM - Those Lowdown Blues

It had to be in ’88 when it happened
Flipped on the public radio station
Late Sunday evening
Trying to catch something to zone out to

A couple of times I caught radio plays
The best was “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”
The weirdest were the “Star Wars” ones
I listened either way

What was on this evening wasn’t a play
It was music,
Good music,
The Blues
I listened for a while
Became involved and entranced
These were old blues
Played on a turntable
Full of hisses and pops and hard to hear
The kind that grab you and don’t let go

This was the kind of show that grabbed you too
Because this guy, Bob Corritore, knew the blues
Talked about the songs
Put names and labels and stories and weight and knowledge
Into every one he could
He seemed to know them too
Had met or played with many of them
So it was even more good, more fun to hear
Like the plays I was listening to
Married to music by Reverend Bob

I got the idea to record a show or two
Listen to it in the car when it wasn’t Sunday night
The night I finally did, like it so often is
Was the night that mattered

Bob started going on about the next song
How it was a long one
Recorded a long time ago
There was even some intrigue in the story
Seems the Rolling Stones had ripped it off

Once I heard it, I knew why they had

It was “The Prodigal Son”
It was sung by Robert Wilkins
It is nearly ten minutes long
It is one of the best songs I ever heard
It changed me, man, it changed me

Over the next few months I listened
Over and over I listened
I wore out the tape listening
Listening to that gem
Right in the middle of side B
We are all prodigal sons
And the blues are how we know

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