Tuesday, April 16, 2013

POEM - Flushed Reveries

I. Rimbaud Made me Do It

And for the fourth time this week,
Yellow water greets my arrival
At my favorite thinking spot
So I dispose so I can repose
In relative sanitation
As my thoughts drift
To awful flotsam and jetsam, passing
Below my perch of prominence,
Down slimy pipes rushing forward
To a meeting with Rimbaud.
He knows this river.
Arthur was never one to miss
The feces among the flowers,
The blood in the wedding bed,
Vomit in the air, pervasive.
The drudge and sludge to wade in,
Some metaphor lost to putrid
Excremental thoughts.
Loose it quick,
One last vomit and I have had too much.
Stay in Hell Rimbaud
I have other business to attend to.

II. Wall Scrawl (Left on the Bathroom Wall at Maricopa Community College, c.1994)

Share something beautiful on the wall of the stall
make it sound meaningful or say nothing at all.
Petition the holy muses and write their whispered verse
create a lifelong sonnet before you're in a hearse.

So as your lower sections are practicing their art
and before you pass out from the smell of that last fart,
leave a message for all the world to see
and maybe they will read it the next time they go pee.

III. The Earthquake (California, 1991)

Floating amidst the rolling landscape
Inside a suddenly fluid second story apartment
I nearly died
Of a massive toilet enema.
Earthquakes are not in my repertoire,
Helpless, I sit,
Caught with my pants down,
Amidst the big one

I hope and pray I am not the headline
For all the morning DJs to read:

Man found with toilet up his butt,
Death ruled accidental.
Apparently he prayed
To the wrong porcelain god!

Amazing how many thoughts make appearance
Uncontrollable, massive and scattered
Like the moving fault I straddle,
Consumed in morning rituals and fear
Only able to sit and wait
For deliverance or death.

I don't think this is what my Nordic forefathers imagined
When they wished for a death worthy of a poem.

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