Tuesday, April 09, 2013

POEM - A Romantic Comedy

Shortly after the romantic comedy machine
Churned out its latest
Touchingly sweet commercial
She turns to me
With those eyes
I have loved for millennia
Turns and says longingly
She should have fought for me
She should have tried harder to understand me
That these problems we have,
Why don’t we face them
Why can’t we handle them head on
Like those people over there

And so I say something sensitive and heartfelt
Something to salvage our fragile time together
Something like,
“You have got to be kidding me!”
The reason we don’t fight harder for each other
Is we don’t have those problems
We are not complicated
We are just a couple . . .  

“A couple of what?” she asks, backing it with venom
A couple
That’s it, that’s the end of it, the whole statement
We are a couple without questions

But look how good they look
They still have problems
They are beautiful and muscular
Full of life and vigor and frivolity
Charming and brash and demure
And so interesting with their issues
Their complicated and interwoven lives
What kind of world is this
Where intriguing hot bods
Can’t find answers?
Can’t find true happiness?

Because my dear,
They don’t know what we know
They aren’t privileged
To live our great story
This legendary tale of love
And endless joy
Full of certainty
And a small sampling
Of several of the deadly sins
See, drama, we are sinners, there you go

But why don’t I look like that
With all the problems I seem to have?

It is precisely because we don’t look like that
That I have to make up problems
Just for your benefit
It’s because we look like this
That we are happy
And it is how we discovered such blissful serenity

“Oh shut up!” she says
With the launching of a pillow
And a roll towards me
To rest her head against my shoulder
Like some cheesy do-wop ballad
Wrapped in the comfort of middle-age

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