Sunday, April 07, 2013

POEM - Landing the Helicopter

I always want to be the cool dad
Many times I’m the strict dad
Sometimes I’m the unreasonable dad
Or the mean dad
I never want to be the indifferent dad

So I make an effort to care
But caring takes work
And if they aren’t doing it right
You can care yourself into a situation
Where somebody ends up upset
Or crying or hurt or offended

So I’m sitting on the couch
Trying to keep the peace
Make it so nobody misses a word
We are watching something important
I really want everyone to hear

But they are kids
And they have to share a couch
And there are dogs
And there are boring parts
And someone is hungry
The perfect conditions
For a perfect storm

So I take an extra second
Ask myself what is really necessary
Try not to act too quickly
Let some things just work out
My wife calls it picking my battles
Everyone else understands this concept
Except me, apparently

I tried it
Let the dogs roam more freely
Let the kids solve the territory issues
Let the decibels rise a little higher

It seemed to work
At least I was a lot happier
Got to sit with my wife
My arm wrapped around her shoulder
For a good two hours
As I learned my lesson
And she reclined against me

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