Friday, April 05, 2013

POEM - Impromptu Duo . . . Gymnastics

Last night I had an amazing dream
I was competing again
Like I did in high school
Like the good old  Forensics days
Practicing “The Cremation of Sam McGee”
Only this was a different sport

Last night I actually had a mildly disturbing dream
It was Buddy and I
Together again!
Practicing scenarios and technique
But no more acting drunk
Mugging for the camera
Goofing off after school in the lecture hall

We were in the gym
Now older and over weight
In spandex
Running through flips and spins
I’m not quite sure why
Or how this happened

What I do know is, we are good
I mean really good
In a “contradiction-of-the-laws-of-physics” way
And the big competition is soon
Just a few days, pressure mounting

I begin the routine by holding a handstand
Inverted splits, one handed,  on the balance beam
Buddy vaults in over the top of me
Tucks into a somersault
Pops up into a perfect pirouette
Does a few spins and leaps
As I set up my next trick
I make a dramatic entrance as I roll in
Balancing on a huge blue rubber ball
I meander back and forth
Like a bear in a clown suit at the circus

Then we are at the competition
Despite all expectations we are winning
And the mean girls are so upset
Several attempts to sabotage us fail
There is a dramatic finish,
Cheers, tears and triumph
You know how these things go

And It felt good
Being able to move that way
I feel relieved we did so well
Won the day
The blue ribbon
Best in show
And I hope Buddy is happy too
That he doesn’t get too jealous
As it turns out
I was kind of the star!

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