Thursday, April 25, 2013

POEM - Why I Took the Blue Pill

Allergies and I go way back
Always there but not serious enough
Not debilitating, just annoying
My itchy skin I get from grass
Never got me out of mowing the lawn
Nor did the sneezing, coughing and wheezing
It was my call
            I wasn’t willing to give in

There was one time, though
A time when the allergies started winning
I was right in the middle of that dream
The one I told you about
Where I’m being chased
Over fence after fence
By those Doberman Pincers
            The ones the biker owned
                        In the cul-de-sac in Gresham
Those pointy headed sleek, black demons
Never stopped chasing me
Every few months another attempt

When I was a teen, some nights were worse
My mind stopped waking up all the way
Just sometimes, just enough
To cause the most terrifying hallucinations
Not zombies or demons
Just everything not right
Like far and near switched positions
But still looked the same,
In the wrong place

My parents asked what I was smoking
Maybe there was something to it
I later learned that most days in Tucson
The highest pollen count
                        Is from marijuana

So I was given antihistamine pills
            The strongest they had
Doc said the back-up in my nasal cavity
            Caused pressure on my brain
Making me have those oh-so-fun visions

I took the blue pill
            Still had a runny nose
Itchy skin and watery eyes
But the hallucinations stopped
            And I finally jumped over the last fence
Blissfully leaving those Dobermans behind

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