Tuesday, April 02, 2013

POEM - First Child

I have meant to write this
For a long time
A present of sorts
Something for you to take
A simple verse all your own

I almost waited too long
You almost left home
Empty handed

I will tell you I tried
That I did my best
You were an easy at first
Your mom and I thought we were brilliant
Parents of the year
You would just play and sleep
Not bother anyone, smile a lot
Could take you anywhere
Always welcome by family and friends

Most of the first decade was that way
Though a lot of it you don’t remember
You were either too young
Or the memory was stolen
When that growth formed
Right behind your eye
In the middle of your brain

Even then you were easy going
Laughed it off
Asked for ice cream
Kept smiling through it all

When that was finally over
Things got better
Sometimes got worse
Had our fights
Had our good times
Just normal and expected

Then we took you away
Just as everything was starting to get good
Made you leave everything
Crossed the entire country
Dropped you in the middle of a place
With no one that understood you

So now it is time to leave us
Try something new
Find out who you are
I finished this just in time
Before you head of on unseen paths
Journey to new lands
Meet new people
Show them how to smile
Share the gentle soul
That makes you who you are

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