Monday, April 22, 2013

POEM - Three Feet Above

The new place was different than we expected
It’s what happens sometimes
When you rent a place
Based on 6 fuzzy photos from Craig’s list
And last minute desperation

The whole thing sat on an acre out in the country
Looked like a secluded joint
Quiet rural neighborhood
With five bedrooms
                        And a storm shelter
Turns out the satellite photos were out of date
The empty lots on either side
Now had two homes a piece
With mariachi music flowing like sangria

We toughed it out
Got used to most of it
Dealt with the rest
Happy and comfortable

It was about this time I picked up a new CD
Another one from Mofro
And their glorious Florida swamp rock
I was starting to understand them
Better than I ever had in the desert
Changing from novelty into anthem

We were hanging around the kitchen
I turned up my new favorite
JJ Grey was belting out the hook
“Call me dirt floor cracker /
            But them words just fill me with pride!”
I knew what he meant
            Made me think of something funny
“Hey!” I blurted out “at least we aren’t dirt floor crackers!
            We’re three feet above the dirt!”
Ha! trailer humor!
            Everyone laughed as we sat down to dinner
Fried green tomatoes, rhubarb pie
            Grits and fried chicken
And our favorite Southern vegetable
            Homemade macaroni and cheese

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