Saturday, April 20, 2013

POEM - Traying

In the end it was an experiment
In multiple disciplines
There were sociological and ethical questions
Tests in material sciences
A good amount of physics
And some fluid dynamics

It was Barz who played the teacher
The recently arrived pied piper of Frisco
As it so often was in those days
He always seemed to have a good idea
Of how to have fun
That if someone took offense
Probably pushed right up against illegal
But this activity was one of my favorites

He picked me up at my house
To hang out, get a burger
Smooze my parents with that winning smile
Promise to have me back at a decent hour

Once we got in the car he pointed to the back seat
To a collection of trays
Of varying origins
Liberated for the evening’s entertainment

“First of all you have to have a good rain”
Of course
“And you need a front wheel drive”
“And a nice big, empty parking lot”
It would be a shame not to, but why?
“For traying, brother! Haven’t you ever been traying?”
The look of bewilderment said no
The maniacal giggle from Barz meant trouble

We did get a burger first
            We needed more trays I was informed
The social and ethical portion of  the experiment
I went with peer pressure, for the fun of it
Then off to the previously scouted location
The Presbyterian church down the road
They had added a parking lot in back
With no parking blocks or light poles
Mucking up the middle of it

This is where the hard science began in earnest
And the details began to unfold
“See you place the trays at the back wheels”
“Then I roll my tires up on to them”
            Gotcha. Now what?
“Get in, buckle up, and hold on!”
What followed was pure adrenaline induced joy
Barz’s Dodge Charger roared into action
As we tore across the parking lot
Then suddenly Barz’s spun the wheel
And we pirouetted in exactly the way cars don’t
Again and again to increasingly hilarious effect
Until the trays wore out

The fiberglass trays weren’t as good as you’d expect
Wore out after one spin
MickeyD’s were the best
We gave up before they did

1 comment:

  1. Such a good memory! My face hurts from smiling. Thanks for reminding me of it.

    Such good times.
