Monday, April 01, 2013

POEM - The Southland: Prelude

April is a kind month here
Hedged in budding green
Along the river in muddy paths
Dusted with a yellow blanket

We walked there, we still walk there
To see the levels of the water
Raising and lowering, ebb and flow
As the river goes
So goes time and life
In and out of all the ways and paths
Of all the streets and sub-streets
Alleys and dead-ends and in-between

All the paths converge and feed
Run off to the waiting course
The air joins in to hold its part
Heavy and moist the humid vapors
Hang as a reminder
A memory that won’t be pushed aside
As days just past in our Southern land
When we walked and wandered
And felt the emotion in the air
The passion of the river that leads
Runs through, run through
Run on through and never stop

It never stops even  in the shining sun
The air will always carry the memory
Of those heavy days of passion
When the south was our new home
All was new to strangers led blind
To a strange new land

Welcomed and taken in
The hospitality of legend
Alive and well
Flowing and ceaseless
A river to rely on, a river relied on
Deep it runs so deep and still

Life it runs on life so deep
So deep and still and life runs on
Runs and flows over and around
Up and down and April comes
No longer cruel since it was stolen
Away from the West to the Southland

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