Wednesday, April 24, 2013

POEM - Marsh’s Favorite Song

The dusty wind always blows
Across the almost town of Hesperia
Gateway to the high desert
I was stationed there
Trying to spread the word
Bring religion to the badlands
Find in myself enough humility
Not to toss my bike in the canal
And spend my days in eternal cursing
Of the omni-directional wind

This day was a good day
Filled with softer breezes
My attention was grabbed by a garage sale
More specifically by a large black case
I was cautious and tempered
“Is there a guitar in that case?”
            “Sure is”
“How much you asking?”
“I’ll be right back, have to get my wallet.”
            “Who are you guys anyway?” he asks
Of the two of us in white shirts and black name tags
“We’re missionaries.”
            “I tell you what, it’s yours
                        Consider it my donation to God.”

Once upon a time there was a guitar
It was my guitar
I got it for free at a garage sale
From a nice man
Who wanted it to go to a good home

I learned to play the guitar
Simply, just the chords
And just the easy chords
The G the C and the A
The F the D and the E
Nothing too hard, but it was music

Then I began to write songs
To play on my beloved guitar
                        And they were AWESOME!
The best one I ever wrote was about lunch
More specifically my friend’s lunch
It’s about Marsh’s lunch
And it is his favorite song to sing
            When Marsh eats his lunch

Marsh and I were roomates in Palmdale
We lived in this old guys house
The old guy still lived there
He was something like 90 or 92

It was nice and he left us alone
Mostly sat in his room and waited
Waited to join his wife on the other side
She had recently passed and he was sad

For us the place was entertaining
The cupboards were stock with his favorites
Pickled pigs feet and Pepsi Free
The Pepsi Free would sit out in a cup until flat
On purpose, it was how he liked it
Marsh liked blue Kool-Aid, cold
            He affectionately called it Smurf Piss
We both like Peanut Butter, and ate it often

The song just happened
            Formed in my brain like a worm
Wiggle down to my hand
            And crawled out across the paper
It called itself “Smurf Piss, Pepsi and Peanut Butter”

“I love to eat it every day/
            And every night I say OK, to . . ./
Smurf Piss, Pepsi and Peanut Butter”
“Sometimes I eat a whole bunch/
            Sometimes it eat it just for lunch, it’s . . . /
Smurf Piss, Pepsi and Peanut Butter”

On and on it went
            Marsh and I harmonizing the hook
Pickled pigs feet souring in the cupboard
Embittered by the obvious snub

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