Sunday, April 21, 2013

POEM - Roxie Meets Danny

Every year we made two trips
One to St. George
One to West Covina
As I got older, the trip to Cali meant more
It was what I looked forward to
I was a skater and loved the beach
The mall  was right around the corner
With a two story Tower Records
The liquor store had candy bars cheap
And we always waved to Mr. Water
The large concrete storm drain offshoot
Of the Los Angeles river Waters

When my cousin Matt was there it was better
His grandparents lived in Hacienda Heights
Which expanded our roaming circle
Gave us hours unsupervised
We secretly thought we were the cool ones
Thought we were with it and hip
Until we talked with Grandma Roxie

Matt and I were sitting around the kitchen table
Talking about music
            Planning our next outing
Seeing if there was anything happening
When grandma joined in
She always liked us grandsons
            And we liked her back
She was the grandma that understood us
Was easy to talk to
            Wasn't too strict
Also, it turns out, a total hipster

We were talking over the shows we’d seen
When grandma said she’d just been to one
She taught a religion class at the Institute
Which was on the CalPoly campus
One night there was a concert
And she drifted over and took it in
            She said it was pretty good
Not what she usually listens too
            But the kids seemed to enjoy it
So we had to ask who
            Who was this pretty good band

“They had a funny name,” she said,
            “I think it was something like Oingo Boingo”
Really? Oingo Boingo
            You've got to be kidding me
It was a humbling experience
            My grandmother had seen Oingo Boingo
Before I had seen them
            Before I’d really been to anything
Except a Beach Boys concert
            15 years after they mattered
And that’s how Grandma Roxie rolls, boys
            That’s how she rolls!

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