Monday, September 30, 2013

POEM - Feta Nachos

You know feta isn’t really a melting cheese
I sprinkle my comment on the silence
Hoping to add a little texture
Out of fear
Of the blandness of silence

Across the room the carousel spins
In its contained room
Intermittently filled with intensity
From the waves of radiation
Escaping into the space
Restructuring the food
On a sub-atomic level
That’s how I picture it
For today it will do


Tomorrow it will be ray guns
Fired from hidden windows
That only become operational
When the glass platter spins
An endless treadmill
Upon which my plate of food
Runs the obstacle course
Sometimes falling
To the crisscross of enemy fire
Other times hiding in sheltered coves
Only to emerge unblemished

It is in these times
Of uneven heating
Of feta laced nachos
I must resort to radical theories
Sure that any other conclusion
Would just cheapen the experience

In the end the cheese melted
Dairy often can’t stand the heat
But there were interesting results
Some surviving cubes intact
Others less fortunate and vindictive
Took down victims with them
As underlying layers of once rigid chips
Emerge devoid of structural integrity
Some aspect of the goat milk base
Tragically degenerating them
I slurped them up any way
And in the slurping found

Pleasure flavored with serendipity

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