Friday, September 20, 2013

POEM - Paint the Door. Paint the Door (Mr. Miyagi, Watch Me Paint!)

The worn door
Faded and oxidized
Is too tired

The lady with the kooky glasses
The ones she decorated
All by herself
Is so happy
Happy we are there
To paint her door
On this September morning
She tells us it is Christmas
It is the thing she wished for
This is Christmas early
This is Christmas
Oh thank you so much
Bless you, bless you

And we go the extra mile
Take the time
Pull all the brass numbers off
Wash the door down
Tape it off extra well
And I share my painting techniques
With my coworker
Who has never painted anything
Didn’t you watch “Karate Kid”?
            Yes, but I watched the karate
Paint the fence, man, paint the fence
I show him the way
Go all Mr. Miyagi on him
He‘s impressed
Leaves today a better painter

We all leave in smiles
With more than we brought
Bucketsful of thanks
The kooky lady catches my arm
Her look is pure joy
It’s Christmas today!
I think she might be right

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