Tuesday, October 01, 2013

POEM - Crazy Lady Has Cows on Her Mind

The voice was sweet
As it came across
With a fiery confidence
            Just calling in
            Want to make sure
            If I get arrested
            You’ll come post bail
I assured her I would
Crazy lady

All the cows were at the gate
Just waiting there
And the handfuls of grass
Were gobbled up eagerly
So were the two buckets full
Scraped up from the newly leveled field
She was stirring the pot
            Like she is known to do
Because the cows were starving
Looking all emaciated and sad

I checked in a little later
To see if she had been arrested
And what other mischief
She might have been up to
            I called the guy at the sheriff’s office
            Got voice mail again
            Could barely understand his accent
            I left a message
            I guess we’ll see what happens!

I hope she can sleep through the night
She only made it to 2 AM a couple nights back
And wanted to talk
And worry and plan
I was no help though
I wanted to sleep, and sleep some more
Roll over and pretend this wasn’t happening

She said she was on her way
Heading to her next option
Right to the sheriff station
The one around the corner
Sit there until they listened
Or dragged her away screaming

She must be serious
She said dinner was already made
And her car, somehow, was full of hay

Crazy lady
Out and about
Doing those things
That crazy ladies do

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