Friday, September 13, 2013

POEM - Soup Kitchen

Would I be here
If I was in a similar situation
Down on my luck
Homeless and downtrodden
With no pillow for my head
And no roof for my shelter?

I look for my face
Hiding in the crowd
As I dole out the shredded turkey slurry
Next to the rice in the big section of the plate
In just the right portion
I only get brief glances

Some of the patrons are expected
They play the part
Fit the expected persona
Rough around the edges
Hard lines on their face
Red weary eyes
Humble and grateful
For any kindness

Others are more problematic
Seem out of place
Less beat down
Still have a determined hope
That this is just a temporary set back
Not a way of life
I hope they are right
I hope it is infectious
That it rubs off somehow
On the more resigned of their neighbors

Before I know it my time is up
Amid a shower of “thank you”’s
I weave out through the dining hall
Across the courtyard
To the exit that is just an exit
And a door that locks behind us
Forces us to return to our lives outside

But for some that door is a sentence
That they never want to hear
Because inside it is warm
With food and a roof up above
Where if they get sick the ambulance comes
If they are sleepy there is a bed
Boredom is cured by dominoes
Loneliness by all the other huddled masses
Yearning to be free
But mostly just grateful

That tonight there is something to eat

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