Wednesday, September 04, 2013

POEM - The Proper Way

Walking into the large old building
There is a space
Between the outer doors
And the rest of the building
Like a deep breath
Where the air is different
Just for a moment
In this vestibule
Sound plays with the walls
And I wonder how long I can stand there
Let the sounds bounce around me
Listen for the changes in pressure
As other bodies flow past
Mostly unaware that I am stationary
As I close my eyes
And lean my head back
Facing the high ceiling
Just being in that space

Walking around  with the revolving door
I wonder for a moment
If I am really going to exit
Maybe I will go around once more
Or twice if the mood strikes
An unexpected obstruction
To any new passengers

And when I hit the round about
I do the same thing in my car
Go round and round
Until I'm nearly sick
Dizzy and delighted
All my passengers screaming

If I could I would close my eyes
Hold the wheel in a locked turn
Enjoy the tug of the centrifugal force
Pulling in a playful way
Imagining the swirling currents I'm creating
A miniature tornado in genesis
How long would it take
How fast would I need to go
To make it really happen

But I don't often stop
In the empty spaces
As I breeze through
Carried with the crowd
And I exit the revolving door
At the time I should
Mindful of my polite upbringing
And of course I keep my eyes open
When driving on the round about
Though I take an extra lap

More often than not

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