Friday, September 27, 2013

POEM - Mrs. Creel of the Third Grade

Mrs. Creel made third grade matter
It was the year the world appeared
Filled in around me
I began to see distant horizons
The curvature of the earth
All flatness banished

She had been to places
Places no one went to
Not in those Cold War days
And she had stories
Stories that transfixed
All the little impressionable souls
Like the Pied Piper
Telling the stories of the Arabian Nights

With trepidation I entered her class
She was known as the strict teacher
And the piercing look
That glowered over her librarian glasses
Let you believe it was true
But it wasn’t strict
It was anxiously engaged
It was learning more and more
It was so much to do and so little time
And we willingly participated

We were rewarded in knowledge
The slide show from Russia
When she was there
With a group of friends
On the 50th Anniversary of Communism
With fireworks exploding in air
Over the wonder of St. Basil’s Cathedral
While at the hotel their room was searched
When they weren’t distracted
And all they took was a Bible

But it was more than that
She gave me my start as a poet
When she picked my poem
To be placed in everyone’s book
The books we were making
Really making
The right way
Hand sewn binding
Large yellow covers
Glued down with copious amounts of rubber cement
My drawing of Frodo and Sam at Mount Doom
Selected as well and printed on those covers

I still have that book
Filled with every project and assignment
From an entire year
I still wonder how she did it
Not just keeping track of it all
But the fact we wanted to do any of it
Helped all of us care enough to make it good

I think a little of Mrs. Creel remains
Right down in my formative core
To the outside observer
I’m probably the strict parent
Have a serious look now and then
But it isn’t strict even still
It is all the fun stuff to share
And I have so much to show you
And, I care enough to spend the time
And Isn’t this cool?
And Ooo! Look at that!

And 1001 nights of stories still left to tell

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