Tuesday, September 24, 2013

POEM - Grocery Shopping? This is War!!

The plaza was so hip
That it took the fake names
From the proposal drawing
And turned them into real restaurants
As real as a load of bourgeois narcissists can get

I told you there'd be a price
For freedom

But the price was clearly marked in the upscale produce section
Though the rate of return was questionable

Does organic sawdust really need to exist?
But there were plenty of takers willing to rush the stands

There is no juice in your juicing
I was remarked at
Or you wouldn't be so, you know
With the obviously obtuse references
And your head wouldn't be that particular shade of round

It is obvious from the dusting of your chi
That there are other issues
That skirting the chakras
Just won't come close to eradicating

But I protest
On behalf of all free radicals
BOUNCY        BOUNCY        BING               BANG                         BOOM


Cause we got the swagger
That you just can’t swag
When you’re in on our scene

See, the thing is, you lost it
When square went cool
And pasty went mainstream
And blasé' fought it out
Back behind the restaurant
With indifference
And won
I guess
Or whatever

So fun bag it to the rodeo Cowboy Dan
This caravan has the salt in it
All pink and Himalayan-y
What the flax!
You got some spirulina ideas!
If you chia I'm gonna patchouli your taro root!


But my war cry goes unnoticed

As I count to seven once again

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