Thursday, September 05, 2013

POEM - Flock Visits

Another twilight comes
Finds the two companions
Walking up to another door
Of another unlit home
Trying to make their visits
Check on the flock
And support the downtrodden

The older man on the left
Lacks the youthful bounce
Found in the step of the man on the right
But he has the determination
A will that is the deep, still waters
Created from raising a large family
And coming from a humble upbringing
Taught by good parents
A father who showed him the way
To visit the half-hearted
But treat them like they were fully committed
A mother who never stood in the way
When duty called
And others were in need

So the man walks up to the door
A prayer runs through his mind
Of hope that this time will be different
That someone will be home
Will have time to talk
That he will make a difference
Instead of just an effort

All day driving around
Thinking about what he could say
He read a story
About a group of housewives
Who had helped out their neighbors
For over thirty years
Without even their husbands knowing
He wants to help like that
And that brought the tears
And he was glad no one came by
Interrupted his meditations
He had the moment to himself
As he let his old eyes wash away
When he looked up
He wore new eyes

And his heart had replaced his mind

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