Sunday, September 22, 2013

POEM - Glitter Everything

All I see is shiny
All over me
On the table
Covering blocks of wood
Flecks and sparkles
Glint and glitter
On everything

It’s been three hours
And a nice woodshop project
Has turned to shimmer
And I am making discoveries
Like vinyl lettering
Doesn’t stick so well
When there is a layer of glitter
On already rough wood
But I’m innovating
And industrial spray glue
An Exacto knife
Some patience
And liberal amounts of sealant
And the letters stay put

And I don’t mind helping
Really I don’t
I get to sit outside
On a gorgeous day
With good music in the background
But deadlines drive me crazy
And I said things out of frustration
With heavy sighs
Blatant exasperation
And I really was a jerk

But you were kinder than I deserved
When I sat down
Making grumpy faces
Which all melted away
When you scratched my back gently
Smiled and held my hand

A glittering personality

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