Saturday, September 21, 2013

POEM - How Bear Got His Tie

I keep the teddy bear
Because I haven’t figured it out
I’m not sure how to deal with it
There’s a lot stuff in the stuffing
Little bunches of feelings
Not all of them pleasant

He’s always been there
Just hanging out
In my room
When I was growing up
Propped up in the corner
Watching over my bed
Keeping the monsters in check

But there was one night
When Bear was in the wrong place
And so was my father
When he ripped my bear in half
I knew he wasn’t himself
It was a lonely evening
Losing my two best friends
In one violent mistake

The sun still rose
When the night was over
And reparations had been made
Bear was sewn back together
And received a new green tie of ribbon
I could barely see either
Through the easily flowing tears
Both of my friends had come back

I even forgave the old growling bear
He deserved a second chance
And like Scrooge
He was better than his word
Left his violence in that night now past
Kept his anger in check
Tied up like the Windsor knot

He used on Bear’s fancy new green tie


  1. This is an amazing poem Aaron. I enjoy reading your poetry but this one really touched me. Perhaps because I have been an angry bear myself. So grateful for the forgiveness a child can offer. Thanks for sharing this poem.
    Kim Jones

    1. Thanks Kim! It's hard sometimes, and I'm glad kids are forgiving as much as they are now that I am on the other side of the situation. We sure miss you guys and feel lucky to have met you. I still run across the "Lunch Lady" performance on my computer now and then and it cracks me up. That was so much fun.
