Wednesday, September 25, 2013

POEM - Rolling Rebellion

To feel the concrete
Roll beneath me
In easy strides
With all eight wheels
Traveling in dreamy simplicity

I must have been the picture of bliss
As I scooted through the thronging masses
Of down trodden teenage types
Shuffling across the campus
Of the ancient high school

I took it as my responsibility that day
To scatter gleeful sunshine
Here and there along my path
Treating whoever there was
To and eyeful of my neon clad fanny
Dancing by on low cut roller skates
And just the mere sight of me
Cheered even the dreariest of inmates
At Tucson High Magnet School
Manifested in smiles and laughs
Applause and incredulous stares

I had carefully planned this assault
Feeling it my civil duty
In the face of increasing restrictions
To fight against the regime
Strike out against an environment
Where every fun activity
Seemed destined to be banned

So I dragged out my skates
A step backwards
When the whole world
Had turned to embrace skateboards
The lowly roller skate was forgotten
And, therefore, unrestricted
I checked, twice

So when the cranky old accounting teacher
Did a double take on the third floor
And mumbled I’m not sure that’s allowed
I was able to reassure her
With obnoxious confidence
That this was not outlawed
There was no rule against it
And then me and my wheeled shoes
Sauntered off sassily
Enjoying the smooth ride
Down the linoleum clad halls

In the end it was the stairs
All three flights in both buildings
That tested my resolve
But I worked it out
Made friends with the handrails
Used the toe stoppers
And careful patience

Because I wasn’t going to let them beat me
The point had to be made

The struggle must always roll on

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