Tuesday, September 03, 2013

POEM - Tedium

I can’t let on
That I’m not
All that busy
Or else
Might have
A few tasks
That I could
Help with.

And it’ll be
I’m sure

What I have to do already is awful
Updating a single box
Buried four levels deep
In a cumbersome program
On part after part
One at a time
Into infinity

I’ve done the math
Well, I started to do the math
Realized the number was insurmountable
Dropped my pen on the paper
Left the computation undone
And decided to make something up

An exaggeration that will prove itself
To be a gross under-estimate

That’s what the numbers were saying
And I would rather play solitaire
Than see the concrete evidence

Eyes ahead
Move the mouse
A little to the left
Type four words
Move eyes purposefully
From screen to screen
Left to right
Up then down
Lean in and squint
Point to a spot
Look back
To the other screen
Type a number
Move mouse again
Click and lean back

Now I’ve bought another fifteen minutes
Where I don’t have to do much
As long as I keep the program up
Sitting as if I’m mid-action
While I stare at the screen
Deciding if I need a snack
My mind drifting on the backs of falling leaves
Unaware of the berserker blood

Boiling in my Nordic heart

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