Monday, September 09, 2013

POEM - The Thing

The year The Thing came home
To live with us and be ours
Life was just better
Because it’s hard to have worries
When the top is down
The wind is in your hair
And the sun is shining just right

And we had our troubles
It was a difficult relationship
The Thing had some baggage
Left over from its previous resident
A bum motor and a crummy generator
But it was a labor of love
Each time I sat there
Twisting a bolt
Or changing a part
In anticipation of our next journey

After I got the new engine in
And four new tires
I was sitting at work
Answering phones at SkyMall
Thinking more about my car
Than any of the voices in my ear
It was more than I could take
I asked Loren if he wanted to go for a ride
We jumped in the car
Fired up the engine
And drove around the parking lot
Then I took it too far
But at the time it was purely practical
I needed to show him
That my car wouldn’t bottom out
No matter what

So we raced off across the dirt lot
That sat inside the work compound
The future site of something
That never came to be
I plowed through a huge indentation
Did a few donuts
And never once hit bottom

I guess I should have known
When Agnes or Gretchen or whatever her name was
Came walking out of the warehouse
I knew she’d snitch
Just to make someone else
As miserable as she looked

Back in the lunch room
We were jovial and happy
The heady rush of adrenaline
Slowly receding
When our supervisor found us
            Were you doing donuts. . .
                        In the parking lot?!?!
Yeah! I said emphatically
            Um . . . Don’t do that.
And he walked off shaking his head
I hadn’t expected such disapproval
It made it even funnier
Loren and I cracked up
When we were sure he was gone

In the end The Thing went away
Based on a foolish assumption
That we needed to be responsible
What we needed was a convertible
Let our problems go
            Fly away in the breeze

                        Whipping through our flowing hair

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