Saturday, September 07, 2013

POEM - On the Shore of the Sky

This evening my team didn’t win
Off the TV goes in disgust
But I am greeted with near silence
The rumble of the refrigerator working
Is the only disturbance
I lean my head back on the couch
Rest it against the window
And look up into the sky
There is something different about this view
The tree overhead
Seems like it is the tendrils of an aquatic bog
Thrusting out into the graying blue sky
I can watch and meditate
In the background I hear a couple of kids
Playing nicely in the bedroom
So I return to the scene overhead
As a bird swims by in a flash
Takes refuge in some hollow of the pond
Out of sight
Next to the deserted wasp colony
At rest on the shore of the sky

I must look like I’m drowning
To all of these free swimming creatures
Who can spin through the eddies of the air
Catch the waves of the wind storm
Narrowly avoid crashing into tree and bush
While I am trapped in my tank
Curiously observed
By a crimson cardinal
Or the pointed head blue jay
With its feathers like stained glass
As they float by so at ease
While I foolishly think of my comfort
How much I gain from my civilized life
Arrogantly holding the elements at bay
Unaware of the pity afforded me
As I only watch the ebb and flow
And never wash myself in freeing waters

Nor fly amidst the azure sphere

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