Monday, September 23, 2013

POEM - Snack Time with Danish Philosophers

Is the master
The one with chopsticks
Who can eat his sushi
With his opposite hand
In a windstorm
While each tasty morsel
Remains in tact
No loss incurred
Steady and trustworthy

Or do they quote
With effortless eloquence
The works of Kierkegaard
Completely appropriately
Situations and participants
Considered accurately
Looking backward on life
With an intimate understanding
Only gained
By first having lived it forward

Perhaps we are each masters
Though our accomplishment may
Seem wholly unremarkable

Today I ate an entire bag of Cheetos
With spindly chopsticks
Held deftly in my left  hand
Each cheesy snack finding purchase
In my welcoming maw
Even the scrabble of tiny boulders
Clinging to the bottom of the bag
Not one morsel tragically lost
To the relentless law of gravity
My white shirt untainted
An orange dusting
Conspicuously absent

From my pristine fingertips

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