Wednesday, September 11, 2013

POEM - My September Story

I sat at my desk
With nothing to do
Except answer phones
Stare off into the distance
Walk outside now and then
Look up at the flight path over head
And see nothing but sky
The planes were all grounded
The silence noticeably eerie

It was unreal
Pictures of something
That looked staged
All the way over there
Another world apart
From my desk in cubicle land
Somewhere in the Arizona desert

What I latched onto
In the moment of chaos
Was September Thirteenth
That was when Cake was coming
The tickets sitting at home
I’d had them for a month
And it was all I could focus on
When buildings crumble
It’s often the flowers that bloom
From the discordant rumble
That rebuild the path to hope
My hope lay in impossibility
That a band on tour
Could make it into town
When all the planes stopped flying

Luckily the buses still worked
Luckily Cake understood

That we might need them to make it
Even if it was just for a few people
They could make a difference
Maybe help heal something broken
Understood it was no coincidence
That their song Comfort Eagle
Had a Middle Eastern sound
Which meant all the more
As they played intensely that night

Because we weren’t afraid to be there
And we weren’t afraid to sing
Spirits free to soar

On a clear September night

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