Saturday, September 28, 2013

POEM - Hook and Water

The stream of liquid crystal
Flowed coolly over shimmering pebbles
As rusty brown creatures emerged
From submerged overhangs

In days to come
After sparklers burned to char
All the fun of fireworks
Faded slowly
From bright flash
            To burned retinal residue
                        To darkened closed eyes
I returned to the stream
Like a fish to water
But this fish had claws
Or hooks rather

The repurposed spent sparklers
Held the right combination
Of plastic cheese and bologna
To draw out the crawfish

Each simply held tight to the hook
Then were drawn from the water
And dropped into the waiting bucket
Unceremoniously imprisoned

In the back yard they sat
In full sun
In the tall bucket
By the time dad was home
As I hurriedly showed him the bucket
I learned the effects of full sun
On aquatic freshwater crustaceans

The crystal water shimmered
My return a peaceful one
Alongside the bank
Only a watcher now
Crawfish emerge
Walking in a funeral march
For their fallen brothers

Who took the easy route

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