Sunday, September 15, 2013

POEM - The Delicate Approach

The box of explosive
That sat on eggshells
At the back of the room
Made everyone nervous
Anything at all
Was going to set her off
We didn’t dare
Though we all wanted to
Adopt a look
Even a little
Of disapproval
And it still wasn’t enough

But of course
It was bound to happen
The snarly old bear
Sitting on a bench
Growled at the wrong moment
Startled the flitting hummingbird
There were tears
And one should never make a hummingbird cry
But bear he don’t notice
Or he acts like he don’t
But he’s got a long memory
And the retaliation of pecks
That were doled out
In response to the tears
Went on the list
Of problems he wanted to fix
Just another chore
Whose time had come

I’d like to think there is a solution
That the bird and the beast
Can find some common ground
But bears should not be prodded
And hummingbirds . . .
Well, they don’t stick around

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