Sunday, September 29, 2013

POEM - On Display

I found my best foot
And started putting it on display
Forward, exemplary
On a regular basis

Retiring your old self
That’s a difficult task
With so much baggage
Stored up in little corners
Or strewn across memories
And intertwined in relationships
Filling up the past
Trying to block the future
From getting into the driver’s seat
Pulled the parking break
Chocked the wheels
Cutting break lines
Deflating all the tires

Eventually you can slough it off
Toss it in the corner like a dirty sock
And then put on a new pair
One special made
For stepping out
With your new best foot
Cocked and ready to take the first step
By punting the sad sack excuse
Of your old life
Off the edge of the Grand Canyon

My new best foot
Always takes me forward
To steeper roads
Longer hills
And breathtaking vistas

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