Thursday, September 26, 2013

POEM - Curious Remedies

Banish me
To the leper colony of your heart
Where I may live out my days of disfiguration
On sandy beaches
Beneath the wispy palm trees’ chatter
As they direct the soothing breezes
That speak encouragement
Good health and recovery
As I sip reflectively
The Coconut Milk
Of Human Kindness

And if you find me
As sometimes you might
In bad humor
Direct my path to healing waters
Where leeches practice their medicinal art
An adjustment of fluids
Is all I really need
To restore my balance
As I am rid of plethora
And blood, bile and phlegm align
The lightness in my head
Will remind me
Of the euphoric rush
In the dizzying fall into love

Preserve me
As the Ancient Dynastic Emperors
With a steaming cup of finest tea
Made from quicksilver and jade
And I will never love another
But will float on dragon’s breath
Where the concoction leads
My mercurial nature manifest
I change, I change
Until I change to vaporous toxic fumes
Disperse and dissipate
To be lost in you
Taken in by your breathing
As you sit alone
Toes fiddling with sand
Mottled sun playing over your body
Oblivious to my sacrifices
Reticent as an Alchemist

Mysterious as medicine

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