Sunday, September 08, 2013

POEM - Flaming George . . . I mean Gorge

I didn’t go to the cabin
Nearly as much as the cousins
They lived just down the mountain
But I loved it there
Whenever we got to go
To see my grandparents
After they left the SoCal hustle
And adopted the slower pace
And the quite life
Of a place off the beaten path
But we never really change
Wherever we are we are who we are

See, things are funny in my family
Everything is funny
And grandpa loved his words
So he called the place wrong
Whenever grandma was around
Told us we were going to Flaming George
Then grandma would slap him
Roll her eyes and say Oh Don!
And he’d apologize
            I’m sorry; that’s Gorge. Flaming Gorge
Just in time to begin his dam jokes
As we drove down the dam road
To cross the big dam
And see all the dam water
Flowing into the dam river
Wave to the dam people
And have a fun dam time!

The further he stretched it
The less of a pun it was
Until he said one that really was a curse
And my grandma would roll her eyes
For the fourteenth time
Just during the ten minutes it took
To get down to where the rafts launched

And it wouldn’t be long
Until the rafting was done
Or the cliff diving was over
And the exploring was suspended
At least until tomorrow
And we’d all return to the cabin
To be together
Play games and laugh
Hear more puns
            And exaggerate our groans
Because that last one

            Well, it was actually kind of funny

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I loved going to the cabin with Grandma and Grandpa there. I miss them. It is fun to remember with you.
