Sunday, October 27, 2013

POEM - Waiting, I Chew

Anticipation built
As weeks passed
So long I almost forgot
The few bits of change
Dropped in the envelope
Was not the greatest price
Nor was the plastic toy
The greatest reward
When the transaction
After so long
Finally concluded.

I had saved the comics
Dozens of them
Even read them
Every awful one
Even at my age I knew
This was throw away humor
Badly written
Because it wasn’t meant to last
Even printed so colorfully
On wax infused paper
The misadventures
Of Bazooka Joe
Were not literary gold

But I was addicted
To the pink slabs
Of bubblegum joy
And I many a nickel and dime
Was traded in
For handfuls thereof

Eventually I started to want stuff
Free stuff
As advertised in the comics
In the smallest of print
Wondrous oddities
In exchange for a few comics

I counted out the colorful toons
Sent 35¢ for postage
Wrote out the order form
And sent it out
In a flurry of excitement
I was participating in commerce
At an elevated level

Time has erased the memory
Of what I ordered
Or if it ever came
I’m sure it wasn’t much better
Than the comics that made it possible
But I remember the gum
And chewing on and on
And the strength of my jaw
And the power of my bite
Remain to this day
As a lasting testament

A side effect of obsession

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