Wednesday, October 23, 2013

POEM - Zen and Eggrolls

The window sits transparent
Marking the end of the counter
The extent of my claim
As I sit and ponder
The scented steam rising
Surrounding my closed lid face
Engulfing my nostrils
Hijacking my olfactory
In the aging Chinese restaurant

This spot is the best spot
Without any effort or neck craning
I can gaze at the entire downtown
As it rises up the low hill
As if it gradually crept out of the river
Where it hid from the Union soldiers
And the burning swath
Officiated by Sherman
From the steps of the capital
Columbia burned to the ground
But you’d never know it now
On this beautiful day
As the dusky haze settles

I return my gaze to base concerns
Two perfect eggrolls
Hot and crunchy
The bottle of duck sauce
Stands ready
Filled with ginger laden sweetness
And each bite is delightful
And the restaurant is nearly deserted
And my thoughts and I
Enjoy the view
Ponder the delicacies
Watch the city age a little more
Dig out my last dollar
And a few loose coins
Order a third
From the amused proprietor
She laughs
And I know I’m not the first
To linger at that spot at the counter
And see the beauty of the city
Through the rising steam

From a perfect eggroll

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