Saturday, October 05, 2013

POEM - St. Basil’s Cathedral

At St. Basil’s Cathedral
The weather blows cold and clear
And the morning dawns
Not as silent as the day before
But there is stillness here

St. Basil’s Cathedral is shining
Colors bright in the first sun
As streaming colors gather
Obscuring the ground
As viewed from by the ancient raven
Perched atop the twisting tower

From St. Basil’s Cathedral
The landscape falls away
And the stained glass eyes
Can see the crush of Anarchists
Crossing the bridge
Wrapped in wool and protest
It is a beautiful sight
From a distance
And among the crowds
They are happy
This is a peaceful protest

In the shadows of St. Basil’s Cathedral
The young rebel returns
She has left the marches
From the bridge she saw the holy structure
And in the warm light of dawn
Something caught her eye
And today she entered the doors
Touched the stone feet of apostles
Sat in the benches
Watched the flicker of candles
Symbol of earlier victories

Far away from St. Basil’s Cathedral
The former anarchist joins her friends
She found something bright just now
No longer looking to the flag
That is waved ahead of the ranks
And the trees have never looked so nice

Nor the air smelled quite so important

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