Tuesday, October 08, 2013

POEM - Strong Women Only: Juggling a Plus

You are a strong woman
Like crossing the plains
Circling the wagons
Uphill both ways in the snow
Fighting off the savages
Mama bear defending her cubs
Teeth bared, claws sharp and extended
Enough to scare a man dead
Just by a look from your wild eyes
You are this kind of strong

Which makes me feel good
That there are still things you need me for
There are still calls that only I can handle

I guess that it can be hard to change a battery
When you are all claws and teeth
And hard to fix the plumbing
When you are worried about the defenses
And painting a wall can distract
When savages and their stratagem threaten

For all of those situations
I’m glad to be asked
To take care of the tedium
With you watching my back
Making sure I am not injured
What with the awkward positions I get in
Repairing this and that
In diverse nooks and crannies
One hand holding a caliper in place
The other jacking up the car a little more
Or my finger plugging the leaky faucet
While I am sprayed and splashed
Waiting for the pressure to subside

We have a good thing going
This symbiotic little dance we do
And in closing I must mention
I am always amazed
How you can make a glass of water appear
Just when I was thinking it might be nice
And I know supper is on
And the kids are complaining
But you still make my head spin
Watching the jumble of brightly colored balls
Kept up in the air by you

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