Monday, October 21, 2013

POEM - The Retraction (Pennies, Pennies Everywhere)

I wrote a lovely poem
All about my fun mom
Then at dinner
My daughter said something
That brought back the painful memories
Of the parts that weren’t so fun
The daughter said she wanted to pay for something
All in pennies
I told her it wasn’t as fun as you’d think
And the memory was right there
That time we needed milk
On a random summer day
And she sent me to the store
With a bag of pennies
I protested
To no avail

And then I took that stupid bag of pennies
And went to the stupid store
And bought the stupid milk
And sat there counting out stacks of 10
And grumbled the whole way home
How could a mother
Look into the disappointed eyes
Of an innocent twelve year old
And force him out the door?

It’s legal tender
Were the words that rung in my ears
Legal tender this!
Is what I should have said
Except I just thought of it now
And it’s 30 years too late
So I will just have to learn the lesson
And be glad the gallon of milk
Was under a dollar back then
And for her birthday she’s getting cash
Forty dollars or so
All in pennies
See what you think of legal tender now

Dear old mom

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