Monday, October 28, 2013

POEM - The Words that Lead to Kissing

When I was young
I wrote letters filled
With every emotion imaginable
As if there was no time
To express all the feelings
Or the feelings burst forth
Too fast to catalog
And in the energy of youth
I took on a fool’s mission
Tried to capture them all
But we hadn’t the vocabulary
Or concepts of structure
Nor even a serviceable thesaurus
To create good writing

Yet still I succeeded
To create cherished documents
Where every word was devoured
Treasured, pondered and re-digested
Soaked up and analyzed
For every hidden meaning
Each well-formed compliment
And all the subtle winks and nods
That would make you swoon
Run into my arms
Embrace tightly
Pucker up
And plant one
Right on my lips

            With all my heart,
                        True Love Always,

Signed, ♥♥♥♥♥♥


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