Wednesday, October 30, 2013

POEM - When Closing your Eyes Isn’t Enough

Have I told you
My ghost stories?
The bumpy nights
And the prickly skin
The hair standing right straight up
As spirits whispered
Mournful words
That tickled the ears
And chilled the bones
And never let you sleep
Because the creatures lurked
And crept and moaned
As shivering beneath your covers
Your eyes shut tight
Fists gripping desperately
To the pillow
Smashed against your face
Those nights when floors creaked
Doors slammed
Branches tapped on windows
And scurrying little feet
Danced menacingly
Beneath your bed
And you shivered till morning
As light snuck in the window
Those were the lucky times
At least the bed was safe

The other stories
They’re not so nice
When you face the demon head on
And nothing pushes it away
Not light or sound
Or begging or pleading
Your bed is not near
You are all alone
Closing your eyes won’t do
Because you are running
For your life
And for your sanity
Those are the stories
You don’t tell lightly
Those are the stories
That don’t end well
When the deceptive sigh of relief

Precedes the ominous dark doorway

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