Monday, October 07, 2013

POEM - Burgers on a Monday with You

Inside the restaurant
We both ordered cheese burgers
Found a table to wait
As the sky stayed gray outside
It’s a Monday and 1 o’clock
So only casual diners
Share this quite reflective day
Eating comfort food
At a leisurely pace

Each burger was all the way
Minus the mushrooms
I added grilled jalapeños
My new favorite topping
We had time to eat some peanuts
Sip some soda
Talk about the morning
She thinks it will all work out
I’m inclined to agree

After the first few bites
Of perfectly done burgers
And wonderful fresh fries
My phone buzzes out the notice
The email we were waiting for
The one we wait for every Monday
Had finally arrived

I read aloud the note
From our daughter who is away
She sounds great
Really liked all the letters she got
Sounds happy and upbeat

The meal was delightful
Pitch perfect on every culinary note
The news was good too
The morning was good as well
The rain was gentle
The company divine

The jalapenos spicy and flavorful

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