Friday, October 04, 2013

POEM - The Pea in the Problem

The computer screen sits
Blank and waiting
My head is leaning all the way back
Eyes staring at the ceiling

Then it happens
Over in the corner
A cast-off dirty old blanket
Becomes the new obsession 
Of the yappy little puppy
At least he's quite
But this blanket is really bothering him
This normally happy go lucky beasty
Who drinks from the dirty bowl of water
That lies on the floor of the kitchen
And digs through the garbage for snacks
Licks his own butt
Sniffs his own excrement
And right now chooses to become particular

I understand where he's coming from
Sometimes things that are always the same
For some reason
In that moment
Aren't right
The pillow won't un-lump
The mattress won't either
Everything has grown peas
And this king can't get comfortable

In the end the puppy gets distracted
Doesn't even lay on the blanket
I learn another lesson
Sometimes it's good to leave a problem
Let it simmer and roast
Come back later
Maybe things will lay right
When I try it all again

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