Thursday, October 24, 2013

POEM - Grandma Blew Up Signal Hill

My grandma
That sweet old lady
She carries such troubles
A deep dark secret
That she’s held for years

She once told me in confidence
In hushed tones
So no one would hear
During a moment
When we were chatting

It seems there was a big hill
Right near her home
Full of oil rigs
Near the city of Long Beach
And she’s positive
That she is somehow responsible
For blowing it up

I’m shocked by her revelation
But she is a wily one
And I watch her
As she leans back in the chair
Closes her wrinkly eyes
And smiles a wry smile

“I was only 6 at the time
            But I was sure it was my fault!”
Oh grandma
You are a silly one
And she laughs her laugh
And I laugh to

After a moment
She opens her eyes
Another thought has surfaced
She has that funny look
As she starts again
“Did I ever tell you
About the time
            I was there

When the Japanese attacked California . . .?”

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