Friday, October 11, 2013

POEM - First Lessons on Raising a Girl

All I know about little girls
I am learning from my daughter
And a young girl is the harshest teacher
            For an inexperienced father
A moment ago as we played on the floor
            And I was the prince
            Come to save the beautiful princess
            With the long flowing hair
            And the radiant smile
We were best friends
But play time was over
And I was too rushed and harsh
So, my daughter begins her lesson
            With heart-breaking cries and scorn
And the innocent, foolish father
Has learned another lesson
At the hand of an unforgiving teacher
            The kindled wrath of a four-year-old.
But the foolish father is not a complete fool
And he has learned his other lessons
So he raises the daughter
            In his strong but gentle arms
For hugs and amends
And the moment is saved
            The father taught
A mistake not to be made again
As I stare in amazement
            At the little girl

Who teaches me my sternest lessons.

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